Sunday, April 19, 2009


I could swear I posted something here since January. Absolutely. Perhaps it was something I wrote in my head while driving home from work, or during a meeting or when trying to fall asleep. Must remember to write those down. Must find the bits of scraps of paper and such on which I have jotted down epic poems and first lines to award-winning novels.... This girl is all potential; so long as it is never realized I can maintain the fantasy of "coulda been...."



Jack Petersen said...

"Coulda been ...?"

Classic literature would be the less without your participation.

Yes, you are that good.


Anonymous said...

whatever Leafsky coulda been is a copout for shoulda been like you don't know that... where's your underachiever t-shirt and what color is it?

I'm always going to be a fan BWtF?


Lefty Sloane said...

WHere are You? I miss lurking here.

Lefty Sloane said...

Where are you? Are yu coming back?