Saturday, August 2, 2008

I had too much to dream last night...

I had too much to dream last night
Woke up cloudy, confused,
Smacked by the light
And thought for a moment
That you still loved me

This pounding head
inside my heart
inside my soul
It won’t let up
It keeps replaying love songs you never sang,
words you never said

I had too much to dream last night
and though my brain was dim
the room was bright
And for one sweet, torturous moment
I forgot that you were gone.

1 comment:

Jack Petersen said...

Good post. I understood, related. And yet, please forgive me, I believe it's better to have a broken heart rather than an empty one. Better to understand pain, rather than go through life feeling nothing at all. That would be the saddest thing of all.